Huron County stands as a muse for rural creativity, inspiring countless artists with its beauty and stories. Our three theatre companies offer visitors a diverse range of theatrical experiences, from first-run plays to beloved classics and musicals. Painters, photographers, and artists of all disciplines find inspiration in interpreting the natural beauty of our landscapes. Internationally renowned author, Alice Munro, has captivated the world with her stories about this place. Yes, there will be drama…and music, and laughter, and thought-provoking moments. Be inspired, be entertained, be taken out of yourself, and be changed.
As the home of two professional theatre companies, Ontario’s West Coast offers visitor’s a wide range of extraordinary live theatrical experiences from new Canadian plays that focus on our rural way of life to blockbuster musicals, and modern-day comedies.
The beauty of Huron County has inspired countless visual artists working in all media and styles. Check out some of their creations along with the work of talented artisans working in traditional and contemporary crafts at Ontario’s West Coast galleries.