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Walking Scrabble: Coffee Social @ Museum

March 5, 2024 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Walking Scrabble: Coffee Social

Illustration of a walking showwith text promoting Walking Scrabble at the Museum

Exercise your body and your mind this winter with the addition of Scrabble and social time to regular Museum Walkers.

MUSEUM WALKERS: Don’t miss out on your walk just because of ice, snow, slush, rain or cold temperatures! Drop into the Museum for indoor walking Tuesday-Friday. Enjoy the exhibits on Huron County’s history while you get your steps in! Three Museum laps =approximately 1km. Routes are available with stairs or without.

WALKING SCRABBLE: Starting in January, Walking Scrabble can be enjoyed at any time during regular Museum hours. Pick up a Museum Walkers map at the front desk and choose your desired route. At the completion of one loop, pick up a Scrabble letter from the front desk. Collect letters to play your best-scoring word on the Scrabble board.

COFFEE SOCIAL: Once a month, walkers interested in enjoying a social walk are invited to meet in the upper mezzanine for free coffee and word games after walking. Before the Scrabble board is refreshed, a prize will go to the highest scoring walker from the previous month. Walkers don’t need to attend the monthly social to qualify. This winter, socials are held Jan. 9, Feb. 13 and March 5 starting at 10:30a.m.

ADMISSION: Included with regular admission or FREE with Museum membership or a Huron County Library card.

Indoor walking is available Tuesday – Friday this winter from10 a.m.- 12 p.m. and Thursday evening from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30p.m.



March 5, 2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Category: